How to make chicken fajita pizza recipe
Who doesn't love their delicious and succulent chicken fajita? It's the best pizza you can have, and it'll easily become one of your go-to dinner favorites. So how do you make this amazing and easy dessert, right? Well, today, we are going to show you how to make a truly authentic chicken fajita to make it even better. We're also going to show you some really good tips on how to make chicken fajita sauce so that you can serve all these delicious foods to everyone!
First, what is fajita pizza?
Fajitas are small slices of meat or vegetables wrapped in cornbread and then topped with cheese or tomatoes and peppers. These sandwiches became popular when people began making them as an alternative to traditional pizzas. Most of us have heard about it from some friends in Mexico, and they're like something out of The Godfather. They have a special place in our hearts; just like there's always a family member standing at the table and telling us everything. This time, we will be sharing my personal experience of how I was able to make a real Mexican-style chicken fajita! It is a great way to satisfy your hunger for more and more and more.
What makes the batter?
Chicken Batter
I used two different kinds of flour: ground beef (for its texture) and polenta. Both of these ingredients helped me to make the fajita dough. You can find many mixes and recipes online that offer different types of flour, but this basic ingredient is very important in order to have the best result the mixture could have. Therefore, ground beef and polenta are my most common types of flour, which will give you a perfectly browny, golden, crispy crust. Polenta will also help to keep the top layer of the dough together. If you choose a mix with only ground cheese instead of both of them, it won't stick to the bottom of the dough very well. Lastly, remember to add ground cumin to the batter so that it will form a natural paste of cheese and flour that will create a nice, smooth texture on your fajita.
You need to add some rice (I prefer sushi, or "mizuna" with soy sauce so that it's rich-tasting), salsa, tomato sauce (for homemade flavour), red onion and fresh basil leaves. All of you will be surprised by the taste of this homemade chicken dish! But if you aren't sure where to get some "mizuna", you can ask any store or restaurant for sauces (tomato sauce, sriracha sauce, sriracha cream sauce, etc.) that will help you create great tasting fajitas in no time.
Finally, you need to prepare your ovens for your first step, heat them up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to cook things quickly enough and evenly, it is a good idea to use preheated ovens. When you open your oven door, remove the foil in front of it and put it in the middle of your tray, so that there is an air gap between it and your plate. Now, place your pan in the middle of the oven and add the butter and chicken pieces to your tray. Bake on your trays for 10 minutes, turn once, and then finish cooking the chicken. Once done, take your pan out of the oven and let your pan cool down. Then, cover your plate with your prepared baking sheet and refrigerate it until you need it.
Next steps:
After you have made your fajita and had it with whatever type of sauce that you chose, check out our next step! Start thinking about how you can serve it and what kind of ideas you would like to have for that. Have a look at our previous article on how to make simple vegan-friendly meals, and see if you can use some of those great tips and suggestions and apply them to your own fajita. Don't stop! As soon as you have your desired amount of sauce for serving purposes, put your fajita on a big platter and enjoy serving it with any other dishes of yours!
Happy Cooking!